Seasonal Employment

Here at Western Harvest we need a great team of reliable workers to come in and help harvest our blackberry crop in February and March each year.

Due to the seasonal nature of our work we are only able to offer casual work, “as and when” available.

If you are interested, please send us an email at and we will be happy to provide you with some information about the roles offered.



Our Busiest Time

Blackberry harvest – approximately 1st February to 31st March

Most of the work available is paid by piece-rate; where you are required to produce enough to earn at least the current minimum wage to retain your position. Our blackberry crop is in full production and our staff are picking between 8 buckets per hour (which meets the minimum wage requirement) and 12 buckets per hour.

Please ensure you meet the following standards before applying for the job.

  • Must hold a current New Zealand working visa
  • Be of age 18+
  • Hold a current IRD number
  • Have a current bank account.

If you meet all the requirements and wish to apply for a position here, please do so by contacting us on